Being an experienced service provider in the IT sector for industry, small as well as medium-sized enterprises, the hotel business and schools, Gelicom Computer Systems GmbH takes care of the complete range of demands regarding your infrastructure in the sectors IT, communication and safety.
Depending on the assignment, we optimize existing IT systems and IT workplaces or redesign them completely.
IT Infrastructure – tailored to your requirements
For most companies a modern, functioning IT is fundamental for all of their essential business processes. Provide for the future and place your trust in the highly efficient IT concepts developed by Gelicom Computer Systems GmbH . From the design over the selection of components to the configuration and installation, our IT systems are tailored 100 % to your needs.
No matter what the assignment is, we will be sure to provide you with a highly efficient IT infrastructure which perfectly meets your requirements regarding speed, data safety, client management, operating times etc. This includes the IT hardware and software, installation and configuration as well as maintenance and support, all within the frame of your budget.
IT Concepts for your Needs – our Portfolio
- Consultancy, planning, design: Each IT environment can only be as good as the plan it is based on. Our consultancy and the design of your IT infrastructure resulting thereof are the foundations for a successful investment. Read on
- Hardware: Your data are too valuable to save in seemingly cheap, no-name computers. Gelicom Computer Systems GmbH provides exclusively business hardware and components of renowned manufacturers such as HP and Lenovo. Read on
- Storage: We offer low-cost and highly efficient storage solutions, adapted to your demands. Read on
- Software: This is the heart of your IT system. We are pleased to advise you as to your choice of software and we take over the installation for you. Read on
- IT Solutions for the Hotel Business: From planning to implementation: We have more than 20 years of experience in the field of computer systems for the hotel business and hospitality. Many reputable enterprises in this branch have already placed their trust in us. Read on
- IT Solutions for Schools. The number of schools working with IT systems, smartphones and tablets has increased significantly. We provide the necessary infrastructure. Read on
- IT & Communication: Equipment from telephony to video conferences. Read on
- Support: Our most important services round about maintenance / data care / repairs. Read on