Even the best IT system is only as good as its weakest point. Our experience has shown that the weakest point of many IT infrastructures is the protection against data overrun. For this reason we give our customers detailed advice on this topic and provide a number of services.
Without a high-grade firewall with an integrated anti-virus programme your IT network and therefore all your data are defenceless against the hack attacks and spy software.
A well configurated firewall prevents attackers from gaining access to your network via the internet and looking at or stealing your data. Hackers often even “highjack” computers and networks to leave a programme there which spies on the network over a longer period of time.
In order to protect your network effectively against hack attacks and computer viruses, we advise you on the choice of a respective software and, if desired, we take over the installation, configuration and monitoring.
However, even the best firewall cannot prevent a network from being hacked in the long run if it is not regularly updated. Software updates should be carried out regularly for they often serve to close safety gaps.
It is one thing to protect oneself as well as possible against hack attacks. However it is another to make sure that your company does not face a disaster if, despite all safety measures, the IT system is cracked or data overrun happens for some other reason.
The consequences for a company can naturally be disastrous if the results of years of work are not available any more after a hack attack or a defect of the hardware. Therefore the protection of the complete data should have absolute priority. For this it is possible to save data on an internal data storage as well as to archive with an external company.
We regularly carry out an internal backup of all the data as well as installing, configurating, monitoring and taking care of IT systems for our customers.
Backup software such as
For data saving you have the choice between tape, autoloader or NAS systems.
Should your data be saved externally, we cooperate with companies such as Iron Mountain and One Safe Place.